My girls can never ever find anything. They have my issue of putting something away somewhere "safe" and then not remembering where that place is. I am also pretty convinced there is a troll that leaves things in my way when I don't need them then makes them disappear the second I do need them.
One of my goals this week is to get my princesses organized well enough that they may avoid these issues as they grow up. I only hope it is not too late. So today I made them a place to keep all their hair accessories.

There are a million and one tutorials for headband storage on Pinterest, you can find them
here. I am adding mine to the mix. If you follow my blog you know I have a crazy amount of fabric on my hands. You may also know I really only make instant oatmeal, however there was a Nesquick can awaiting recycling. I gathered my fabric (choose something that won't show the can through cause that is ugly), my spray mount that I use to make double sided paper for my
custom pinwheels, scissors and can. Cut your fabric big enough to cover the can and edges of can.
I am not exactly a fan of ironing but it is really worth it to press your edges and make sure the surface it free of wrinkles.

I used the hot glue gun to attach the fabric at the edge so I didn't have to worry about spraying and positioning at the same time. Then I took it outside and used to piece of old cardboard to prevent any over spray (this stuff is STINKY and STICKY). Little by little I sprayed, pulled tight and smoothed. It is adjustable for roughly the first 20 seconds. I recommend giving the can a pre spray. I over sprayed on the first line and it bled through the fabric. Luckily it dried fairly well and was along the seam which will be placed against the wall anyway. The fabric I chose by chance is incredibly forgiving for this project.
Ugly over spray mark right after it happened. |
By the time I finished the rest of the can and brought it in the spot was
almost all gone. Then I hot glued the other seam, overlapping the fabric.
Same with the edges along the top and bottom. Going little by little around the bottom, glue and press, glue and press. Keep in mind this is the bottom and you want to sit flat.

The Nesquick can has a little lip around the top which I actually like because I could glue under the lip and press the fabric along the under side so you couldn't see the edge when you look down into it.
Here it is finished and on their dresser. Inside are their hairbrushes and a few clips, and their headbands fit perfect with out stretching!